Thursday, 24 November 2011

Year 2 Semester 1 Lecture 5 - Totalitarianism

“Everything we know of totalitarianism demonstrates a horrible originality”

Totalitarianism is an imposing form of political oppression, however it is different to Dictatorship and communism as totalitarianism destroys all legal and political structures and in effect destroys society. Totalitarianism replaces these with new sets of values and beliefs which abolish any personal thought and replace it with one main ideology. Those who live in a totalitarian state do not think for themselves but are told what they should believe in and think. 

One of the best examples of totalitarianism if Hitler's Nazi Germany. Hitler's original ideology was similar to that of Nietzsche; in that society was weak because we were keeping the weak alive it was no longer survival of the fittest. Hitler claimed if the state says some citizens are enemies then it is the responsibility of the other citizens to irradiate them. The Nazi party relied heavily on this brainwashing technique; when they were first capturing the Jewish people in Germany it was mainly the local citizens that were fishing them out not the Nazi's themselves. The citizens  were being told what to believe and think; Hitler was determined to create the perfect race the 'Aryan Ideal'...he believed this would make Germany stronger. During the rise of Hitler Germany was in a terrible state after WWI and the citizens of Germany were desperate for answers and help. Hitler preyed on Germany's weaknesses and executed anyone who stood up against him. 

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Year 2 Semester 1 Lecture 4 - Economics

Looking at the current global situation and society at large it is very apparent we are living; in the words of ABBA ... "in a rich man's world". Economics is predominately to do with the concerns of money and wealth, there will never be complete satisfaction in the world of economics; the money money you have the more you want, money brings out greed in people, we can never have too much money. Chris said in the lecture that getting money is easy, it's what you have to do to get it that's hard; which I completely agree with, besides seeing how money effects people I'm not too sure I'd want millions anyway.

Following the idea's of Adam Smith from last years lectures; he believed that if people were left to have 'free trade' then people would sell their skills more than personal possessions. This comes to the point of utility; utility is the reference to what people want, which we are left to our own devices. The iron laws are very important in the world of economics. The first iron law being the iron law of population; Malthus believed that as many families are having more than two children as the population increases the economy would drop as we will not have enough services, goods or money for everyone. The iron law suggests two people should only have two children and therefore the two children will replace the two adults and the population will stay at an even amount.

The second iron law is the iron law of wages; Karl Marx explain this law of economics by showing that there must be a minimum wage within the work place and if this wage is lower than the goods produced to buy then noone will be able to afford them so the factories will go out of business and people will lose their wages anyway. 

We were left at the end of this lecture with Oscar Wild's quote 'people know the price of everything but the value of nothing'. I leave this blog entry with the recent hit by Jessie J I think it explains more about today's economy then I could put into words...

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Year 2 Semester 1 Week 5 (Seminar Paper)

Philosophy of the Modern World

Chapter 3 - Freud

Freud classed himself as a scientist and had the greatest influence on Anglo-American philosophical thought throughout the 21st century. Although very few classed themselves as Freudians those who engaged in teaching the philosophy of the mind, ethics or philosophy of religion were forced to explain and interoperate of Freud’s ideas. Born in 1856 after moving to Vienna with his family Freud later trained as a doctor in the university there where he specialized initially in brain anatomy.
In 1895, Freud published a work on hysteria which presented an original analysis of mental illness. Gradually Freud refrained from using hypnosis as a treatment and replaced it with psychoanalysis ‘nothing more than an exchange of words between patient and doctor. From these sessions of psychoanalysis Freud became convinced that the relevant psychological traumas dated back to infancy and had a sexual content.
In 1900 Freud published the most important of his works The Interpretation of Dreams, in which he argued that ‘dreams no less than neurotic symptoms were a coded expression of repressed sexual desires’. This was followed a year later by The Psychopathology of Everyday Life.
In 1923 Freud published The Ego and the Id, which presented a new anatomy of the unconscious mind. In 1927 Freud presented a deflationary account on the origin of religion The Future of an Illusion; although he was an atheist himself his did identify with jewish culture; so when psychoanalysis was banned by the Nazis Freud was forced to immigrate to England. Freud later suffered from cancer of the jaw for 16 years; on 23 September 1939 Freud died of a lethal injection of morphine administered by his physician by his own request.
Between 1915 and 1917, Freud delivered a set of introductory lectures which summed up psychoanalytic theory in two fundamental theses. ‘The first is that the greater part of our mental life, whether of feeling, thought, or violation, is unconscious. The second is that sexual impulses, broadly defined, are supremely important not only as potential causes of mental illness but also as the motor of artistic and cultural creation.’ Freud believed that the existence of the unconscious is manifested in 3 different ways; ‘through everyday trivial mistakes, through reports of dreams, and through the symptoms of neurosis.’ Towards the end of his life, Freud replaced the conscious and unconscious with the mental apparatus he wrote in The Ego and The Id with a threefold scheme of mind. ‘The id which is the repository of the instinctual impulses, ego which is the most superficial portion of the id; modified by the influence of the external world and the superego which develops out of the id, dominates the ego and represents the inhibitions of instinct that are characteristic of man.’
‘Freud has had an enormous influence on society – in relation to sexual mores, to our understanding of mental illness, to our appreciation of art and literature, and on interpersonal relationships of many kinds’.

Chapter 8: Philosophy of the Mind
Bentham on intention and motive
·        Bentham’s principles of morals and legislation contained a detailed analysis of human action focusing on people’s intentions and motives. His approach to the topic has been said to have been similar to that of Aquinas, however they differ in both terminology and moral evaluation.
·        For Aquinas action was only intentional if it was chosen as a means to an end; to solve something. Therefore if it was unavoidable: a voluntary choice but not done intentionally it as not considered an action by Aquinas. Bentham disliked the word ‘voluntary’ because sometimes it meant willing or uncoerced but could also mean spontaneous; he preferred the use of the word ‘intentional’. However, they both distinguished between two kinds of intention. A consequence may be either directly intentional or obliquely intentional. For Bentham though an incident that is directly intentional maybe ultimately or mediately intentional depending on whether it could have been viewed as a motive for a future event.
·        Betham looked at the death of King William II who died while hunting from a wound cause by Sir Walter Tyrell, Bentham looked at the possible degrees of consciousness and intentionality in Tyrell’s thoughts and actions and classified them under 5 categories: unintentional, obliquely intentional, directly intentional, mediately intentional and ultimately intentional.
·        Bentham’s terminology was to define intention in purely cognitive terms; in order understand what a person intended you only need to find out what they know not what they wanted to become a consequence of a certain action. However, an act is only unintentional only if the chance of what you intend may have unforeseen consequences. For Bentham intention is the main measure for the moral and legal evaluation of actions.
·        Bentham explains that we should not consider intentions to be good or bad in themselves, but that they are either derived from a good or bad motive or deemed to achieve good or bad consequences. The goodness or badness of someone’s actions however can only be judged if the resulting consequences are bad because the person was aware of the circumstances in his conscious mind before making the said intention.
·        Bentham classifies the different possible degrees of such consciousness in the ninth chapter of his book. He claims if a man is aware of a circumstance when he acts then his act is said to have been an advised act; otherwise an unadvised act it not.
·        Bentham makes a distinction between intentions and motives as a man’s intentions may be good but his motives bad.

Reason, Understanding, and Will
·        Kant’s theory distinguishes between understanding and reason from his studies focusing on the differences between human and animal cognitive faculties. ‘Understanding, as well as, sensation is something animals share with humans’ however humans unlike animals have the ability of reasoning, they can reflect on their actions which places humans above animals in ‘both power and in suffering’. Animals only live in the present where as humans live in the past, present and future. Reason does however, confer three ‘gifts’ on humans; language, freedom and science, of which language is the most important and essential.
·        Abstract knowledge is not always needed for everyday tasks we do not always need to understand the functioning of every action. We don’t always need to know how something works but instead how to make something work. Although when long-term planning is necessary abstract knowledge is essential.

The Freudian unconscious
·        The majority of our daily actions and thoughts are from our unconscious mind.
·        There are 3 levels of Freudian unconscious and 3 ways that reveal the Freudian unconscious in itself; trivial everyday mistakes, recalling dreams and neurotic symptoms. However he claims that these are parapraxes and although unconscious they may not be a ‘mistake’ as they could have a hidden motive. By understanding the beliefs from the person who has made a ‘Freudian slip’ it helps us become aware of these hidden motives.
·        Freud claimed dreams were almost always the fulfilment of a repressed wish, although they are not always obvious as we dream in ‘code’, however nightmares seem to show the opposite.
·        Freud does claim that he doesn’t believe in a universal coding for dreams. It is only possible to ‘un-code’ a dream if you are aware of the specific symbolic meaning to each dreamer, it is easy to put any sexual references in to un-coding dreams.
·        Neurotic symptoms can be understood when it becomes apparent the subconscious reasons as to why we are doing something. There is always an underlying reason as to why we do something that we are not consciously aware of.
·        The 3 levels of Freudian unconscious ‘id, ego and superego’ ; id is the unconscious which is ruled by the pleasure principle, ego represents reason and common sense and superego punishes the behaviour of the ego.
Philosophical psychology in the Tractatus
·        Wittgenstein constructed a different model of the mind. He claimed a thought was a logical picture of facts.
Wittgenstein’s later philosophy of mind

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Year 2 Semester 1 Lecture 1 - Modernism

Modernism in the 19th and 20th was a new concept claiming that everything occurred in relation to something else and there were no definite answers. The most useful example to explain this is the idea of time; time is seen as relative, we have no real understanding of when it began or when time will end. This new perception of time in modernism contradicted the previous ideas presented dring the enlightenment and renaissance. Modernism’s roots were changing the technology and the theories of the past; there were some key personalities during this period which brought new ideas and revolutionized the way of thinking.

Sigmund Freud revolutionized the way the western world’s understand the way they identify the mind and human behaviour. Freud simplified human individuality to an animalistic sex drive. Freud’s 1899 book The Interpretation of Dreams highlighted how dreams are a way of understanding true thoughts and emotions. He believed in the unconscious and tried to prove that humans have no control over their thoughts and behaviours. We will look more heavily into Freud’s theories in later lectures….

Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer from the 19th Century; Wagner was famous for using sexual and erotic music in order to create emotion from his audiences during his operas. The way he composed his music was revolutionary; music before modernism was created to express happiness and love, Wagner’s music was completely incredible. Wagner’s operas were performed in Germany at the theatre Bayreuth Festspielhaus; his most famous opera Tristan and Isolde comprised of harmonies which expressed sexual pleasures and fantasies but also tragedy and death.
The face and upper torso of a white man in his 60s are shown. Long sideburns frame a clean shaven face. He wears a frock coat with cravat.

Friedrich Nietzsche, a composer from the 19th century also had a huge influence on the concept of modernism. Nietzsche also studied theology looking at how mankind evolved from being primitive creatures to civilised human beings within a constantly changing society. Nietzsche strongly believed that by keeping weaker people alive, mankind was destroying itself as in concurrence with Darwin’s theory of evolution it should be a case of survival of the fittest. As the evolutionary theory had been stopped by the introduction of medicine; Nietzsche showed that mankind had to evolve in other ways through technology and education, breeding a new generation of super people and killing disabled and seriously ill children (ergonic breeding). Nietzsche spent the final years of his life staring at a blank wall as he became mentally unstable.

Lecture 1 Screening - Citizen Kane
The first screening of the semester was Orson Welles’ 1941 film; Citizen Kane. The film is about an American newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane, who creates his own newspaper empire to gain wealth and power. His aspirations lead him into 3 divorces and his final ended marriage to Susan Alexander, leads his to a life of misery until he finally dies a rich lonely old man. Below is the original clip of the trailer for the film:

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

the history of the vinyl record

Commercial music has widely become a daily pleasure across the western world. Tracing back the history and timeline of the gramophone record, or vinyl record as most commonly known in the UK, is somewhat fascinating to see a huge change in the record industry over especially the last 30 years.
In 1857 Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville created what was known as the phonoautograph, it simply played variations of sound in discs of paper by a simple vibration from a pen in the device, the sound could not be played back. In 1877, Thomas Edison built created the phonograph which unlike the design it had the ability to record and reproduce the sound, however there is no official evidence that suggests Edison built on Martinville’s idea. Edison experimented with several ways of creating the ‘records’ that played the music; starting with a wax coated paper tape. By the end of 1877 the device used foil cylinders; it dominated the recorded sound market in the beginning of the 1880s. In 1888, Emile Berliner created lateral-cut disc records, which were improved later by Eldridge R. Johnson which produced sound as good as the earlier cylinders. Edison then introduced the amberol cylinder in 1909, which generated the expiration of them lateral-cut discs which opened a market for a huge launch in the production of disc records which dominated the market from 1929. Various sizes, materials and speeds were experimented with; there was a boom in record sales after WWII. By the 1960s record players were affordable to the average household, the players improved gradually over the years. However, by the turn of the early 1990s it was not uncommon for households to have CD players and eventually there was less of a demand for vinyl records and CDs took over. Although in 2008 vinyl record sales hit a huge 36% increase in sales.
It wasn’t so much the records themselves that had such a huge influence on society but the record cover artwork, it impacted on social values, lifestyles and fashion. In 1939, Alex Steinweiss was hired by Columbia Records as an art director to produce the artwork which soon increased the sales. Since then many artists have worked with record labels to produce many ‘historic works of art’. Andy Warhol created the famous iconic rolling stones logo of Jagger’s mouth with a zip in the tongue. Originally the album cover actually had a real zip but damaged the other records when they were stacked and shipped.
Nowadays vinyl records are seen as historical documents for preserving audio versions of events in time. Many of them are seen as rare and collectable, John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s signed record of Double Fantasy is considered the rarest of them all valued at $525,000.
To Quote Henry Jenkins; ‘I will argue here against the idea that convergence should be understood primarily as a technological process bringing together multiple media functions within the same devices. Instead, convergence represents a cultural shift as consumers are encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among dispersed media content.’ It is clear that the change in the way music has been changed and distributed over the years has for I become evident that it is due to the constant demand of change by consumers that companies have to keep up with.
Conversely, despite being such a huge ‘artefact’ as such in history and being taken over by the CD in record sales; it is more popular to download music and audio files in the current 21st century. Illegal downloads of music are said to be ‘killing the music industry’. I think maybe in the future records will only be sold as collectables which will increase prices and the demand for records again.

Jenkins, H., Convergence culture: where old and new media collide. 2006. New york University Press. Pp.3

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Seminar Paper Semester 2 - Zola J'Accuse

The Dreyfus Affair has been labelled as the most famous case of miscarriage of justice. At the end of the 19th century secret documents were found in a waste paper basket in the German embassy about the French’s future plans of military action. The French had a spy working in the embassy; a cleaning lady, who brought back the documents to the French, in which a trial was then held to convict the criminal on the account of treason. Dreyfus not only a captain of the French army but a Jew was framed and was secretly court marshalled. He was degraded and embarrassed; stripped of his medals and his sword was broken in front of the entire army and was then sent to Devil’s Island in 1894, and remained in a cell in which he couldn’t see anything; he was chained while he slept; he wasn’t allowed exercise; he was given rotten food and was never spoken too so eventually lost the capability of speech. This man was innocent. Later an officer delves further into the case and concludes that the evidence against Dreyfus is wrong and in fact Esterhazy, another officer was the actual culprit. His superior dismisses the evidence and claims: “What is it to you if a Jew rots on Devil’s Island?” showing the true anti-Semitism of the French army at this time. A court put Esterhazy on trial in a military court from which he is acquitted. It was during this that the famous French journalist Emile Zola became involved and wrote the J’accuse.
J’accuse meaning ‘I accuse’ was published on the 13th January 1898 in a popular newspaper; it was an open letter addressed to the president of France at the time Felix Faure. The letter accused the government and the army of anti-Semitism and highlighted the innocence of Dreyfus. Zola had two objectives to writing this piece; firstly he wanted to provide the public with a brief outline of the facts surrounding the Dreyfus case and therefore change the public’s opinion into the favour of Dreyfus himself. Secondly, Zola needed to provoke the government authorities enough so they would prosecute him meaning new evidence was produced and public interest of Esterhazy’s guilt was increased. J’accuse shows legal errors and emphasizes the serious lack of evidence the army hand against Dreyfus. The article caused a huge uproar in both France and across the world. Zola was found guilty of libel but fled to England to avoid imprisonment. Zola argued that "the conviction of Alfred Dreyfus was based on false accusations of espionage and was a misrepresentation of justice." And accuses Major du Paty de Clam as being the real man behind the injustice itself as he was the man who came up with the idea of framing Dreyfus in the beginning. "He was the one who came up with the scheme of dictating the text of the bordereau to Dreyfus; he was the one who had the idea of observing him in a mirror-lined room. And he was the one whom Major Forzinetti caught carrying a shuttered lantern that he planned to throw open on the accused man while he slept, hoping that, jolted awake by the sudden flash of light, Dreyfus would blurt out his guilt." Zola defends Dreyfus in every way possible explaining "These, Sir, are the facts that explain how this miscarriage of justice came about; The evidence of Dreyfus's character, his affluence, the lack of motive and his continued affirmation of innocence combine to show that he is the victim of the lurid imagination of Major du Paty de Clam, the religious circles surrounding him, and the 'dirty Jew' obsession that is the scourge of our time." Zola continues to explain that Esterhazy was in fact the culprit and he is the one who should have been convicted of treason. However, Zola explains that if Esterhazy was to be condemned then the entire general staff would also have to be known as guilty and which was enough motive for the war office to have covered Esterhazy’s act of treason. Near the end of J’accuse Zola mentions General Billot had known evidence that would have proved Dreyfus’ innocent. He further accuses General de Boisdeffre and General Gonse of anti-Semitism purely framing Dreyfus because he was Jewish.  Zola’s finally accuses the court martial for convicting Dreyfus with treason on evidence that was kept a secret. Zola knew he was going to get a reaction from this letter and finishes it with the words ‘I am waiting’.
After Zola was convicted the army recognise a weakness in the case and Dreyfus is brought back from Devil’s Island  and re-trailed, being found guilty under “extenuating circumstances” and was sent back.